"Don't bother me, man, I ain't got no time,
I'm on my way to see that girl of mine"

If you think good everything will be good


About this site

This is the first time I make a website, am learning!

I talk about my life, my girlfriend, Thailand, family and friends, and things I like in general.

Have fun!

I hope you'll enjoy it!!

I was living in paradise, it's been fantastic time


I love nature, I think sunset on the sea is one of the most wonderful thing nature can offer to us. I have some great photos on my mobile, just need to find and import them.


Such a fascinating place. It’s a city of contrasts, you see the very rich and the very poor next to each other, not only the people but the buildings as well, for example, and that is happening a lot. This is quite common in South East Asia, I think. But everytime I go there, can't stay more than just few days, too much chaos for me.


Today Bangkok is looking dead (Jul ’21). This is Asoke junction along Sukhumvit Road, usually jammed with traffic, if you’ve been there you know what I mean. This is very sad.

moments of my life in Thailand

The most beautiful city in the north of Thailand

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I'm not sure how many times I've watched this movie, it is the best movie ever made in my opinion, Coppola, Brando, Martin Sheen, Robert Duvall, Dennis Hopper and . . . the Doors

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In all honesty, Coppola's job of directing Apocalypse Now might be the best directing job in the history of film. The conditions, the cast, the logistics.
I mean, it’s incredible he got that movie made and that it came out an all-time classic.

apocalypse now

"…every time I think I’m going to wake up back in the jungle…when I was here I wanted to be there, when I was there I could only think I wanted to be back to the jungle"

apocalypse now
apocalypse now
apocalypse now
apocalypse now

Doi Suthep, a must see in Chiang Mai

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F1 hero - the greatest of all time

Michael Schumacher

Eight years on from Michael Schumacher's tragic ski accident (Dec 29, 2013)

Michael Schumacher

keep fighting Michael
